Light Therapy
As the Director of Brand Communication of La Lumiere (employee 10 of a maximum 25 person group), parent company of the illuMask, I managed design for this LED skincare device brand. Over the course of 2 years, I led a rebrand, e-commerce site re-platforming, and team expansion leading to an acquisition by J&J in 2015.
This experience was formative for my interest in not only revitalizing brands, but seeing them through to successful outcomes, whatever their needs may be. Over those 2 years I learned how to make, manage, and adapt in a way few other places have required. Coming on 10 years later, while this is still some of the work I’m proudest of, I have a hard time capturing the full scope of the work. I have images below for some of the design work, but click through the links below for more of the brand strategy that went into defining an important part of the success for this company.